By using the services of the website, you warrant that you have read and reviewed these Terms of Service and that you agree to be bound by it. The owner only agrees to provide the use of this website and services to you, if you assent to these Terms of Service. Further, based on the services obtained by you, additional terms and conditions in respect of the specific service may apply


You agree that the website and all the services provided by the owner are the property of the owner, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents and other intellectual property (Owner IP). You agree that the owner owns all rights, title and interest in and to the owner’s IP and that you will not use the owner’s IP for any unlawful or infringing purpose.

You agree not to reproduce or distribute the owner’s IP in any way, including electronically or via registration of any new trademark, trade names, service marks or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), without express written permission from the owner.


The owner may provide you with certain information as a result of your use of the website or services. Such information may include, but not limited to, documentation, data, or information (developed by the owner) and other materials which may assist in your use of the website or services (owner material). Subject to these terms of service, the owner grants you a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable and revocable license to use the owner’s materials solely in connection with your use of the website and services.

The owner’s materials may not be used for any other purpose and this license terminates upon your cessation of use of the website or services or at the termination of these terms of service. You agree not to download or copy any information by means of unsolicited access to use this information for any other personal purpose.


The website and the services are provided for communication purposes only. You acknowledge and agree that any information posted on our website is intended to be legal advice, medical advice, or financial advice and no fiduciary relationship has been created between you and the owner. You further agree that your purchase of any of the products on the website is at your own risk. The owner does not assume responsibility or liability for any advice or other information given on the website.


The owner may occasionally post links to third-party websites or other services. You agree that the owner is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused as a result of your use of any third-party services linked to our website.

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