Lucy (2014) Full Movie Revealed
Introduction and the cast
The “Lucy” movie, is a French action cum Sci-fi movie thriller, which was released in the year 2014. It was directed by an American director Luc Besson, who also is a producer and a screenwriter.
The movie ‘Lucy’ star cast has actors Scarlett Johansson playing the main character ‘LUCY’, Morgan Freeman as Professor Samuel Norman, Choi Min-Sik Mr. Jang, Amr Waked Pierre Del Rio, Julian Rhind-Tutt as The Limey and Pilou Asbæk as Richard. The homefront movie plot goes like this:
At the start of the movie, a cell is shown, which splits up to form two cells. Then these two cells split up further, to form four cells. This phenomenon continues, and the cells keep splitting and multiplying to form more and more cells and fill up the space.
Trouble starts right from the beggining
The opening scene shows a proto-human from prehistoric times, drinking water from a clean lake. A voice, from the main lead of the movie, Lucy, narrates that life to the living beings was given billions of years ago, and what have we done with it? Coming to the present world, Lucy is shown talking to her boyfriend Richard, whom she has met just a week ago. Both are standing in front of a hotel in Taiwan, and Richard is carrying a briefcase with him. Richard is insisting, that she goes inside with the briefcase, and delivers it to the reception. Lucy refuses to do so, as she is in a hurry and has to go home and study for her upcoming exams. Richard insists repeatedly, and even offers her $500 for the job. On asked why he doesn’t go himself, Richard tells her, that he just had some argument with the person and therefore, if she goes everything will be all right. Richard requests Lucy, to go to the reception, ask for some Mr. Jang, deliver at the reception, and come out. When Lucy doesn’t agree, Richard handcuffs her wrist, with the handle of the briefcase. This doesn’t leave Lucy with any other choice, and she is forced to go inside. At the reception, she asks for Mr. Jang, and that she has been sent by Richard. The receptionist calls on the room’s telephone and informs someone about this. She is persistently asked to tell her name, which she reveals hesitatingly. Richard is seen smiling from outside, but suddenly, he is shot dead. Some men come to the reception and take Lucy forcibly in the elevator, and then to the room, where their boss, Jang is. On reaching the suite, she sees bloodied human bodies, shivering with pain. This causes her to vomit there only. Jang comes out of the room, with his hands and face soaked with blood. He washes his hands with mineral water, on the floor itself. Jang makes Lucy sit on the chair, with himself, in front of her. He dials some number, and puts the telephone on the speaker, to translate to Lucy. The voice from the other side, asks her what is in the briefcase. She pleads ignorance about it, and that Richard gave her the briefcase. Then Jang writes code 140 on the paper, and the telephonic voice asks her to enter the code and open the briefcase.
Jang goes inside, along with his men, looking for shields and protection. She opens the briefcase with the code 140, and tells them, that there are four packets of blue powdered crystals inside. Jang’s men bring a drugged-up man there, to sniff some blue crystals from the packet. That man takes it and has a brief nervous breakdown attack, after which, he laughs uncontrollably. Jang shoots him in the head and tells Lucy that she is being offered a job. When she refuses, Jang’s man hits her.
In another scene, Professor Norman is shown delivering his lecture in a hall full of people. Professor talks about the research, he has done on the human brain and its capacity. He says that, although animal life has been on the earth for millions of years, yet, most of the species use only 3 to 5% of their brain capacity. Humans too, even after achieving a lot on the earth, use only 10% of their cerebral capacity. He adds, that the only species that use most of the cerebral capacity are, Dolphins, and they too, use only 20% of the total capacity. Here, in another scene, Lucy wakes up and finds herself in a hotel room. Her stomach is aching, and she finds a bandage on her stomach. She wonders what has happened, and suddenly Jang’s men open the door, throw some clothes on her and tell her to hurry up, probably in the Korean language. They take her to Jang, who is waiting in a hall. One British man, The Limey, assures her, that nothing serious has been done to her, and it is just a small incision. He tells her, that she has been stuffed with a small packet, in her lower tummy. The packet contains a drug called CPH4. He says that the drug shall be a big hit with the kids in Europe. Some more people are brought there, as The Limey tries to be very polite and courteous as if nothing has happened. Jang hands over some passports to his henchmen, to distribute among all the four captives. Timmy tells everyone that they shall be free soon, with the help of these passports, as they will be sent to their homes. Timmy also tells them that, on reaching their respective places, their team will recover the packets from them. He softly warns them, that they should not inform the police, or any agency, otherwise, their families will be in danger, as they already have the captive’s names and addresses with them. He tells Lucy, that this is their business model.
Here, the lecture of Professor Samuel Norman continues, in which he throws light on what possibly could happen, in case human beings started to increase their cerebral capacity, beyond the stated 10%, known so far. He explains that normally it seems that creatures like us, seem to be living for only one purpose, and that is to gain time. And it is through this activity of going through the time, that the real purpose of our cells, seems to have devised two possible solutions. The mas of the cells, which constitutes the basic structure of earthworms and human beings, choose either to be immortal or to reproduce further, to pass on whatever intelligence gained by them, all over the time. Professor further explains that, if the living conditions are not favorable, for thriving or living peacefully, the cells choose immortality. This can be called Self-sufficiency or the self-management of the cells. On the other hand, if the environment or the living conditions are favorable for life to sustain, then the cells choose reproduction. All this is explained by the professor, by depicting live examples of species of many kinds, engaging in the act of reproduction. Professor Norman tells everyone that, in this way, knowledge and the learning process is passed on, to the next generations. Here, Lucy finds herself tied to chains in a dark room, with a couple of criminal-looking men. One of the men starts to touch her inappropriately, to which Lucy objects. The man hits her and kicks on her stomach, where she was operated upon earlier for the drugs to be stuffed into her stomach. This, results in a leakage of the drugs into her stomach directly, as the packets get torn by the impact of the hits. The men leave, but she passes through tremendous pain and begins to be banged all across the room, even reaching up to the ceiling. At this stage, the screen shows an image of 20%, which means her cerebral capacity has increased to 20%.
Again, Professor’s lecture continues, in which he says that, let us assume if someone uses 20% of the brain’s capacity. The person may be able to control his body and its functions. He further says that, it is well known, that the Greeks, Egyptians and Indians, had the notion of cells, centuries before the invention of the microscope. Professor Norman continues, that there are 100 billion neurons, in every human being, but only 15% of them are activated. Surprisingly, there are more connections in the human body, than the stars present in the entire Galaxy. In reply to a question about the next stage, Professor says that the next stage could be controlling of other people, for which the person needs to access, at least 40% of his brain’s capacity. A magic show footage appears on the screen to explain this activity further.
Professor Norman explains that the next stage could be the control of matter, but for that, human beings should have access to 60% of their cerebral capacity. On the question from the audience about the consequences of someone using 100% of their brain’s capacity, Professor thinks for a while and comes up with the reply that he has no idea.
Again, in another scene, Lucy opens her eyes which are shining bright with blue color. As she regains her consciousness completely, she sits calmly on the chair and tempts a man who enters the room. The man puts his gun on the table and walks toward her. Before he could touch her, Lucy just holds his belt and flips him far away with his belt still in her hands. She pulls the nearby table towards her, with the help of the belt, to take the thug’s gun. Lucy opens the door, and shoots other guys who were on guard, and eating outside the room. She grabs their food and chows it down quickly with water. Lucy notices a bullet embedded in her shoulder, which she plucks out with her fingers, without any pain. She packs some guns and a few items in a bag, put on a jacket, which hides her wounds and hurries outside.
On the road, Lucy finds two taxi drivers. She asks them if they speak English. One guy says no, and she shoots him in the leg. Another guy says yes, and she boards his taxi and tells him to take her to a hospital. Now Lucy experiences, that she has enhanced senses, which have increased her physical and mental capabilities. She can hear the normal voices of people, who are outside her car very clearly.
On reaching the hospital, Lucy puts a silencer on the gun and tells the driver to wait for her. Inside the hospital, she clearly understands the Taiwanese language, and interprets it herself in English in a flash, due to her heightened senses. Lucy finds her way to an operation theatre where an operation is going on. She breaks into the room and reads the report of the patient on the x-ray scanner. Suddenly, Lucy shoots the man who was being operated, throws him away and lies down in his place. Lucy tells the doctor, that he would not have been able to save the man anyways, as the tumor in his brain, had invaded the right side of his spine. She points the gun toward the doctor and tells him that someone has stuffed a bag of drugs in her stomach, and he should remove it, as it is leaking inside. She doesn’t agree with the doctor’s attempt, to use local anesthesia, and tells him to remove it live, while she is in her senses.
Lucy takes the doctor’s phone, and calls her mother, while the surgical procedure is still going on upon her. She tells her mother, that she can feel everything, like the air, the blood in her veins, the heat leaving her body and even the gravity that exists. Lucy also tells her mother, that she can access each and every part of her memory now, even that memory, that lays deepest in her brain somewhere. She says, that she remembers how she was sick in her childhood, petting a cat when she was very young. Her mother is also astonished, that how can she remember this, as she was very young at that time. Lucy tells her mother, that she loves her, and hangs up the phone.
In the meanwhile, the doctor takes out a bag half-filled with drugs, from Lucy’s stomach. Lucy asks the doctor, how long will it take for the drug to be eliminated from her body. The doctor while stitching her wound back, asks her about the content in the bag. When Lucy tells him that it is CPH4, the doctor gets shocked, and tells her, that it is that substance, that sixth-month pregnant women produce inside their bodies, naturally. This is produced by the body in tiny quantities, and it is like packing power of an atom bomb for the baby. The doctor tells her that it provides the necessary energy to the baby, and consists of the necessary nutrients, for forming the bones of the baby. The doctor tells her that if it is really the substance CPH4, and that too, in this much quantity, then he is surprised how Lucy has been able to survive this long, with this in her stomach.
In the next scene, Lucy moves to the hotel where Jang has been putting up. She finds her way through, and in the process kills Jang’s men in a pinpoint accurate shooting, through the door. Lucy finds Jang relaxing, and getting a tattoo done on him by a lady. while entering the room, she gestures by hand and tells the girl to go. Lucy takes two big knives out from her belt and sticks them into both hands of Jang. Jang feels immense pain and screams his heart out, but Lucy seems calm and focussed. She reads the mind of Jang, by placing her fingers on his forehead, and extracts information, regarding the other drug peddlers, and their whereabouts. Lucy gets images of their plane tickets in her brain and reads the names of the places, where they are heading. She leaves the place, with Jang screaming out of pain.
Lucy visits her friend Carolina and asks her for her laptop. There, she reads all information that Professor Norman had researched, within no time, and from there, she calls the professor. Lucy tells him that she has read all his research and that she wants to meet him. She explains that she can remember all his research by heart, and then, appears on his television screen. She tells him, that her cells are reproducing at a very high speed, several million per second.
Lucy reveals, that she fears that she may not live more than 24 hours. The baffled professor, asks her to clarify, to which Lucy tells him that she has absorbed a large quantity of synthetic CPH4, which will allow her to use the 100% of her cerebral capacity of the brain. Lucy tells the professor that right now she stands at 28% of brain capacity. Lucy also tells him that she can control other people, magnetic and electric waves beside her own metabolism. She demonstrates this to the professor by appearing on a laptop, telephone and the radio one by one. Lucy informs The professor that that she is filled up with huge information, and doesn’t know what to do with this much information. The professor suggests she, pass this information on to others, just like a simple cell does normally. Lucy tells the professor, that she will be with him within 12 hours, and hangs up. She hands over some piece of paper, to her friend Caroline, which is a sort of prescription and suggests she change her lifestyle, as her liver and kidneys are failing her. She tells her to take precautions, and she will be alright.
In the next scene, while making her way through the airport, Lucy changes her looks, as the news of her shooting of the patient at the hospital, goes viral. She calls a French cop, Pierre Del Rio on his phone and informs him about the drug smuggling, and sends him the details on his working machine. Lucy also tells him to take the drug packets into his custody, and that she will collect them from him later. Pierre arranges for their arrest and all of them are apprehended at Berlin, Paris and Rome airports respectively.
Lucy is working on two laptops with both her hands at a very fast pace in a plane. She asks for a glass of champagne from the flight attendant girl and tells her to wipe her nose without looking at her. The girl notices that she is bleeding from her nose. Another guy brings her the champagne glass, and she takes a sip, toasting that “to knowledge”.
At this stage, the screen shows an image of 40%, which means Lucy’s cerebral capacity has increased to 40%. Right after the sip, Lucy notices her tooth in the glass. She coughs, and her three more teeth come out. Her skin condition deteriorates and begins to disintegrate. Lucy rushes to the toilet, where her condition gets worse, and her face starts to get disfigured and melts away. She has some CPH4 crystals left with her. She takes the substance out, and snorts it, which brings her condition to normal.
The next scene shows her in hospital, with Del Rio and other cops waiting outside the room, along with the doctor’s team. The doctor informs Rio, that he has given Lucy an injection, and she will be unconscious for the entire day. Here, the screen shows an image of 50%, which means Lucy’s cerebral capacity has increased to 50%. The next moment, Lucy wakes up, and suddenly sits on the bed, which the nurse notices. She goes outside and informs the doctors about her being conscious and sitting upright. Doctors get surprised, along with the cops, and all of them rush to the room where Lucy has been kept, but they notice that she is walking in the corridor outside.
The policemen confront Lucy and ask her to surrender. She moves her hand and puts all of them on the ground, but Del Rio is spared. Del Rio tries to take out his gun, but his gun gets emptied off all the bullets, which fell to the ground. She asks about the packets, and Del Rio tells her that they have been recovered. Lucy asks Rio where are the packets to which Rio tells Lucy that they are safe and in France only. Lucy tells him that they will be safer with her only.
Jang’s man is watching outside the hospital and alerts his boss on the phone. Both Lucy and Del Rio sit in the police car and, Lucy forces him to allow her to drive, after she listens to the telephonic conversation of Jang and his man, on the car radio. She drives frantically towards the hospital, where Jang and his killer men, have assembled to collect the drug packets from the paddlers. After the Jang’s men take out the packets from these peddlers, they kill all of them. Lucy and Rio confront them in the corridor, while they were escaping.
Lucy is shown to have reached 60% of cerebral capacity. She manages to create an invisible wall so that the man with the drug briefcase is not able to escape. Using her acquired powers, she deprives them of their guns which were carrying, and which get stuck to the ceiling. Lucy just blows them in the air, when they try to attack her and they keep floating in the air. Lucy snatches the briefcase from Jang’s man, and starts to leave, asking Del Rio to come with her. Del Rio tells her that he thinks, that he won’t be of any use to her anymore now. Lucy kisses him and tells him that he is a reminder to her.
Lucy and Del Rio proceed to a university, where Professor Norman and his colleagues are assembled, for meeting and knowing more about Lucy. She throws light on the subject and tells them that time is the only unit of measure. The rest of the units devised by mankind are only from the perspective of humans, as humans consider themselves unique in this world. Lucy says that there are no numbers or letters that exist in the real world. These are created by humans, as per their limit of understanding, and knowledge of things, that they perceive in this world. Lucy tells them, that humans have set the limits to things, so as to understand and remember them, as per their finite capability of understanding them.
She adds, that we have created a finite scale, to measure things, so that we can forget the infinite value, that is attached to them. Professor Norman asks Lucy, if the units devised by humans, or the mathematical laws, don’t represent the true measurement, or if the world is not governed by these laws, then how does this world exist, and keeps moving?
To answer this, Lucy creates an image of a moving car on the screen in air, and replies, that here a car is running on the road. If we accelerate the motion of this car on the road, to an infinite speed, then the car shall cease to exist to our eyes, but it is still there. Therefore, time is everything, and whatever that exists in this universe is governed by time. Lucy continues, that time only is the true measurement of things, and it is the time only, which gives legitimacy or proof to matter, that exists within this universe. In short, without time, we are nothing.
While Lucy is discussing this with the Professors, Jang arrives with his gang and starts shooting everywhere. Sensing that she has very little time left, Lucy gives the Professors, the packets containing the rest of the CPH4 crystals. The team of Professors, assemble them in a jar which synthesizes into a blue liquid material, to be administered into her veins. Professor Norman asks Lucy, if she is sure about the fact, that she can sustain such a large amount of CPH4 in her body. Lucy replies, that her remaining cells in the body, will fight it out to save their integrity up to the last remaining cell. So, she has to force an entry into her remaining cells, in order to reach their nucleus. Lucy says, that in order to reach the ultimate 100% capability, she has to fight with her own cells, which are resilient to this.
While she is being administered the doze of CPH4 in the room, Jang and his men fire indiscriminately and have a fierce gunfight with Del Rio and other policemen. At his stage, Lucy reaches 70%. Her body starts to transform and turns into a black substance that tries to attach to the nearby computers. This provides Lucy with more energy and matter, which further boosts her power. Lucy’s immensely acquired power, allows her to control the matter, and she starts to move the things in the room. Lucy attaches to all the computers in the room, through this black substance. Lucy’s state reaches 80% now. On the outside, cops and Jang’s gang have a heavy exchange of fire, and Jang orders his men to do something about the policemen. Inside, Lucy creates a blank white space and thus emerges a new generation computer.
Now, Lucy’s cerebral capability reaches 90%. Jang’s henchman fires a rocket through a launcher and blasts the door’s room, after which Lucy is seen somewhere in Paris. Then a flash of a second, she reaches a mountainous landscape, at a seashore and suddenly to times square in New York City. She has the power to control time, with the flipping of hands. She can stop the pace of time, and move ahead or backward. She is able to travel to the past century, then to older times, then to colonial times. Then she moves to prehistoric times and has a glance at the earlier civilizations. She even moves to the age of dinosaurs and comes face to face with the creatures of that era. Then Lucy moves to the age of prehistoric times and meets the same proto-type human, which was shown in the first scene.
She touches his fingers with hers, and then she travels to the entire cosmos and explores the planets, and space through time. At this stage, she crosses 99% of her capacity. Here Jang starts to come near her, while she is still transforming her body into the black substance and traveling through the entire universe. She passes through a tunnel, while the cells are shown getting united with each other, just reverse of, what was shown in the opening scene. The process is complete, and she reaches 100%, as all the cells are united, to form a single existence.
Jang shoots her from behind, but she is gone, and only her clothes remain. Del Rio enters the room and shoots Jang dead. The black matter, that has engulfed the computers, creates a flash drive at the tip. Professor Norman takes it, and the matter disappears within a flash. Thus, Lucy passes all the knowledge to Norman, and his research is complete. Del Rio asks where is Lucy. His phone gets a message, which says “I am everywhere”. In the end, Lucy’s voice says, life was given to us millions of years ago. Now you know what to do with it.