Introduction to the movie

‘Turistas’ is an American horror-thriller movie, released in the year 2006. It is produced and directed by John Stockwell playing the character Alex,  Melissa George playing Pru,  Olivia Wilde playing Bea,  Beau Garrett playing Amy, Desmond Askew playing Finn,  Max Brown playing Liam and Miguel Lunardi playing Zamora along with many more actors.

Turistas trailer

Introduction to the movie

At the beginning of the movie, there are some tourists shown, traveling in a bus in Brazil. The main characters Alex, his sister Bea, and a friend Amy, are enjoying the bus ride and are heading towards some destination in Brazil. The driver of the bus is driving rashly, and Alex shouts at him to slow down. Although his sister Bea is okay with the speed and tells Alex to calm down.

The driver of the bus continues to drive in the same way, until he loses control of the bus, and the bus goes down a gorge and crashes. However, all the passengers get off the bus on time, and everyone is safe.

Turistas Bus accident
The bus meets with an accident but without any injuries to the passengers

Alex and his group meet another group of tourists

All of them start to look for their belongings, and in the meantime, Alex meets two Englishmen, Finn, and Liam, and an Australian girl Pru, who tells them that she is also fluent in Portuguese. All of the six in the group decide to move towards a local beach, and spend some time there, as they get to know that there is a beach nearby, from some co-passengers.

The group reaches the beach, where other tourists are partying and enjoying themselves. They all have a swimming session in the sea and after that, they get introduced to the locals, who work at the beach. Some more English tourists join them, who tell them that this is the best place to be, and they themselves are not going to leave the place until they run out of money. They also state that the local food is great, and Camila, with whom Alex’s group is introduced already, cooks very fine. Besides the place has an arrangement for spending the night at the beach, and that too at very cheap rates.

Turistas movie beach meeting
Alex and his friends having fun on the beach

Getting impressed with their opinion, Alex and his group decide that they too will stay there, and can board the bus or take a lift from someone later on. They all play on the beach, and in the meantime, they are introduced to another local guy Kiko.

Turistas movie local woman taking to someone
A local woman, Camila talking to someone and proving information

The arrival of the locals on the scene

Meanwhile, Camila is seen talking to a doctor in her native language and telling him that some people have arrived. Here Alex and his group are partying and dancing hard on the beach, along with other tourists and the local guides. Camila and her accomplice Arolea forces Alex and his group to dance with them, and in the meanwhile, they are being served drinks of their choice. But it seems that their drinks are mixed with sedatives, making them pass out.

Turistas movie tourists drugged
All of the tourists get unconscious from the drugs being fed to them

The next morning, Alex, his sister and everyone else, find that they have been robbed of their belongings and money. They have nothing left with them, so they decide to walk barefoot toward the main road and seek help.

Some locals are seen carrying a couple of tourists, who have been tied with ropes and are unconscious. In a bid to get themselves free, one of the tourists sets the other captive free, but he himself is attacked brutally by a local man with a cleaver, and the other tourist in a bid to escape, slips from the hilltop and gets killed.

Turistas movie locals taking away tourists
The locals are seen taking some tourists away with them

The group decides to leave the place

After traveling down the road barefooted, and without any belongings, they reach a village, where they try to enquire from the locals if they can help them with any information. The villagers don’t cooperate much which confuses them even more. They discuss whether they should go to the police, but decide against it.

Turistas movie lost people
The group is lost and trying to take help from the locals

Just then, they spot a tourist’s motorcycle lying there, and a kid wearing Alex’s cap. Liam runs after the kid, but the kid runs towards some locality. When the kid doesn’t stop, Liam throws a stone toward the kid, which hits him on the head. The locals watching from a distance, start to hit Liam and manhandle others in the group.

Turistas movie the travellers attacked by the villagers
The villagers attack them for hitting one of their boys

Just then, Kiko who already knows them intervenes and takes them away from the local villagers, in order to save them. But, he tells them to leave the place immediately, while Alex and others tell Liam, that he did a wrong thing by hitting a kid like that. Liam accepts his fault and apologizes to everyone.

Turistas movie the tourists in trouble
Kiko comes to their rescue and takes them away

Everyone asks Kiko if they can complain to the police, about being robbed, but Kiko tells them, there is no police presence there. Kiko also advises them, that they should not stay in the town now, as these people are trying to locate the father of the kid, who has been hit by Liam.

He reveals that the father of the injured kid is a dangerous man, and if he gets to know about his kid being hit, they will be in trouble. He offers them to take to his uncle’s home, where they can be safe. Alex and others ask Kiko if they can get a lift from there, but he replies that the only person having a car there, is the father of the injured kid. On learning that the next bus will come to the area after two days only, they decide to head towards Kiko’s uncle’s home, in order to be safe.

Here somewhere at a location, a physician named Zamora, is shown with some of his local accomplices, where one of his men is examining a stolen mobile phone belonging to Alex. While going through the picture gallery on the cell phone, he tells Zamora that these tourists are with Kiko, and are arriving tonight. Zamora tells his men, that it is very important that he gets these people alive, but after some minor argument with his henchman, Zamora hits him in the eye and kills him.

Kiko takes the group through deep woods and forests, which are very appealing to the eyes. After passing through these beautiful forests, Kiko tells them that before taking them to his Uncle’s home, he wants to show them his secret place, which is a cave under a waterfall.

He tells them that he often goes there, to unwind and relax. Kiko assures them, that after coming back from the cave, they will head straight towards his uncle’s home, which is very near and at about 10 minute’s distance only.

Kiko jumps into the water from a height, while everyone goes into the water from a lower level. Everyone passes under the water, and when they come out, they find a beautiful place with blue waters. They love the place, and when they just start to enjoy it, Kiko tells them, that he thinks they should return back to the town. Alex and his friends are surprised, that Kiko is telling them to go back to the town, after so much traveling through the forests.

Turistas movie waterfall
Kiko shows them his secret place for unwinding

Kiko again reiterates, that they are good people, and he will try to talk to locals, to help them in arranging the ride for them. Alex and his friends, ask Kiko the reason for the same, to which Kiko doesn’t give a satisfying reply. They ask Kiko whether there is any problem, in going to the house where they are supposed to go, to which Kiko says, that there is not any problem with that too.

Alex and his group decide, that they are not going back to the town, and will head towards their agreed-upon destination, which is Kiko’s uncle’s home.

After returning to the waterfall spot, Finn asks Kiko to show them again how he dives into the water so that they can also do the same. Kiko again dives with them, but this time, he has a bad dive into the water, and his head gets hit by something, after the dive underneath the water. He bleeds, has a deep cut on his head and is almost unconscious. Everyone in the group helps him come out of the water, and they decide to search his uncle’s home, which is supposedly nearby.

Turistas movie waterfall accident
Kiko suffers an accident but the team rescues him

After some time, luckily, they find the house and when they go inside, they find all the basic amenities like clothes, foodstuff and surprisingly, a whole variety of prescribed drugs, under different names. They are surprised to find all sorts of drugs there and wonder which place this is since it looked like a hostel for the drug addicts.

Finn finds a stapler from somewhere and insists that they stitch Kiko’s wound on his head with it. They just manage to seal the wound, as Finn assures them that his doctors also did the same when he got hit in the head. Being half cautious and in pain, Kiko heads towards the room inside, to rest on the bed.

Meanwhile, everyone in the group helps themselves, with the food and clothes. Alex also finds some passports of unknown people in the drawer, along with a swiss knife, which he keeps in his pocket. While having dinner, they discuss Kiko’s health, and that he needs to get cured soon, as they can’t afford more trouble.

While everyone is sleeping at night, they get woken up, by a running helicopter noise. They are surprised to hear the helicopter sound, in the midst of the forest at night. Kiko also gets up, and when the helicopter lands outside the house, he informs them that his uncle has returned. His uncle is actually Zamora, who comes with his henchmen and his associates.

They bring with them, some boxes which they fetch inside the house. There is a nurse amongst them too, who advises them to run from there, and warns them that this man will do great harm to them while pointing to Zamora. Kiko also tries to convince his uncle about something, but Zamora doesn’t seem to be listening.

The nurse leaves from there with some boxes, and Zamora’s men beat them and forcibly tie them in individual cages. Zamora is seen in a makeshift operating room, where Amy is taken, and sedated with some drugs. Zamora starts to operate upon Amy, and we get to know, that he is removing the internal organs from Amy’s body one by one.

Finn is also in the same room, tied to the table with his mouth gagged, and is terrified by all this. Zamora explains to Amy, that he is doing this for the betterment of humanity. He says that rich people from all over the place have long exploited the Brazilians and taken advantage of them. The needy ones from the rich societies, come to Brazil and get the organs at cheaper rates, and thus exploit the people here.

He further explains that it is time for a payback, and the organs which they take out here, are sent to the hospitals for the benefit of the poor. He says that they have had enough now, and will take revenge for every resource, that the rich countries have taken away from their land.

Here, Alex tries to break himself and others free from the cage, with the help of the Swiss knife, which he had procured from there. Zamora continues, that he will take out everyone’s liver and kidneys, and he has got 12 hours to shift them to Rio De Janeiro hospital.

He tells Finn, that he is the next person to be operated upon. Meanwhile, Amy dies on the table, after Zamora removes organs from her body. Alex and the group break free from the cages and fight with Zamora’s men. Kiko also helps them in this, and they are able to kill one of Zamora’s men. Alex tells Bea and Pru, to go to the waterfall area, and wait for them there only. Alex, Liam and Kiko decide, that they will set Finn free from Zamora.

After a fight, they are able to free a partially sedated Finn, who can walk with difficulty. One of the gunmen follows them, but he is injured in the foot by Kiko. But, while running away from Zamora’s men, Finn is shot in the head by Zamora’s gunman, and Finn gets killed. Finn’s friend, Liam, wants revenge and tries to fire at the gunman, but the gunman shoots Liam and kills him too. The gunman has an argument with Zamora, as Zamora doesn’t want any of them to be killed, since he wants to take their organs out.

Bea and Pru get separated somehow in the way, but Alex finds Bea hiding by the riverside in the morning, while Kiko tells them to get away from there. All of them dive into the waterfall, to reach the cave underneath. On reaching there, they find Pru hiding in the water, who tells them, that she has been there since midnight. Kiko also brings Pru there, showing her the way.

While being in the water underneath the cave, they all assemble and argue, that Kiko has brought them this trouble. Zamora and his henchman see them from above, and they shoot into the water, which results in Kiko getting killed. Zamora’s henchman follows them into the waters, while they try to get out of that place.

Everyone tries to find the way out inside the water tunnels, while occasionally coming up to breathe. While Bea comes up at a spot to breathe, an archer of Zamora also comes up to breathe and catches hold of her. She fights it out with him, and while overpowering him, stabs him with an arrow in his neck, which ultimately kills him.

Alex also reaches there along with Pru, and Alex shows them the way out of the water tunnels. They come out of the water cave but are again confronted by Zamora, who keeps looking for them. Alex suddenly hits Zamora on the head with a rock repeatedly but is stopped by Bea.

Zamora’s henchman reaches there, and Zamora orders him to kill them all. He even abuses his henchman, who seems reluctant to kill the terrified tourists. Zamora continues to bad mouth his gunman, and calls him a coward, while Pru pleads to him to leave them, as they haven’t done any harm to him. The gunman suddenly realizes his mistake, and shoots Zamora, killing him on the spot and himself leaves from there.

After walking for some time, a family helps Alex, Bea and Pru, with food and with first aid, to their wounds.

In the last scene, Alex, Bea and Pru are shown waiting to board a plane off to their home, along with other tourists. Alex hears a couple discussing something. The lady regrets that they didn’t board the bus, which was a better way to explore the city.

Alex intervenes and advises them to board the plane only. They agree, and thank Alex for the suggestion, while everyone boards the plane. The plane takes off, and they watch outside through their windows, and the movie ends there only.

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