Introduction to the movie

An American action-thriller movie, “The Hurricane Heist”, was released in the year 2018. The movie was directed by American director and producer Derrick Borte. The movie stars actors like Toby Kebbell playing Will Rutledge, Maggie Grace as Casey Corbin, Ryan Kwanten as Breeze Rutledge, Ralph Ineson as Connor Perkins,  Melissa Bolona as Sasha, Ben Cross as Sheriff Dixon and besides many more.

Talking about the movie “The Hurricane Heist”, which is an American action thriller movie, released in the year 2018. At the beginning of the movie, a man Niles Rutledge, and his two little sons, Will and Breeze Rutledge, are trying to get out of a hurricane named Andrew, in Alabama in the year 1991.

The hurricane heist storm
The approaching hurricane

They are moving away in their vehicle as fast as they can, from the approaching hurricane. The two little kids are fighting with each other, where the younger brother Will, blames the elder one Breeze, for the situation they are in. As per the younger brother Will, his elder brother Breeze was playing with a kite, which resulted in all this. Father tries to pacify them while trying hard to get out of the hurricane’s way. Due to the wind pressure, a tree gets uprooted and is about to fall on their vehicle, but Niles just manages to get away from it.

However, while trying to save themselves from the tree, they get stuck in a ditch. Niles takes his children, to a nearby house that is unoccupied and tells them to stay there. He himself tries to get his vehicle out of the ditch, while the wind speed is increasing. A water tank is blown away from somewhere, which after rolling away, falls on Niles and he is killed. The strong wind speeds blow the house apart too, but the boys survive. 

Another storm after 25 years

The scene changes to the present day, when another storm Tammy, is gaining strength and approaching the port of Gulfport from the Gulf of Mexico, which can turn into a full-fledged hurricane. The younger brother from the first scene, Will Rutledge, is grown-up and is now working as a meteorologist, with the National Weather Service department in Maryland. He has been assigned a job, to fly drones up in the sky by his seniors, so that they can have a better insight into the storm. Will comes to the conclusion that it is going to turn into a serious and deadly hurricane. 

Sheriff Dixon is vacating the area, in order to be on the safer side and directing his police team to keep all the vehicles out of town and block the roads so that no one enters the town. He says, that he doesn’t want any criminals to enter the town, and indulge in thefts.

Introduction of Treasury agent Casey

Two treasury agents, Cassey Corbin and Connor Perkins are shown stuck on the road due to this traffic jam, as they need to get to the treasury building fast. Cassey takes the initiative, drives the trucks away from the road, and runs the big trucks through the tobacco fields.

The Hurricane Heist Maggie
Treasury agent Casey Corbin with Connor Perkins

Some criminals, Xander and Jaqi, are trying to tamper with the signal tower and are watched by Xander’s brother Clement, who makes them change the signals.

Here, after flying the drones into the sky, Will concludes that the storm is turning dangerous, and accordingly, he alerts his superior about it, but his senior thinks that he is overestimating it.

Casey’s truck reaches the treasury gates, where she gets clearance to enter the treasury, after the necessary security checks.

The hurricane heist Maggie treasury officer
Treasury officer Casey on duty in the treasury office

Casey is being allotted the duty, to handle the old currency notes in the treasury, and she has been asked to look after the operations, of burning the old and worn-out currency notes worth $600 Million.

The hurricane heist treasury officer
Casey talking to her boss

Her boss, Maurice tells her that she has to do it although it is not her field, otherwise her job is in danger. Casey thanks her boss for supporting her, and asks if she can change the codes of the safe, before the onset of the storm, to which Maurice agrees.

Technical issues in the treasury office

In the office, Casey’s co-worker Randy Moreno has called two specialists Frears and Sasha, to look into some technical issues in the office computers.

The hurricane heist Sasha and Frears
Sasha and Frears

Casey changes the codes of the safe, which contains the stack of currency notes, as she wants to be on the safer side. The generator backup of the building goes off, so Randy Moreno decides that Casey will go out, to bring a local repairman, who can set the generator right. They find that their office telephones are not working and surprisingly, the network of their mobile phones is also not there.

Ryan Rutledge, the elder brother of Will Rutledge

Therefore, Casey sets out to find Breeze Rutledge, who is the elder brother of Will Rutledge, to fix the same, as Moreno provides the residential address of Breeze to Casey. Here, Will Rutledge decides to leave the town, as it is going to be hit by the storm soon but decides to turn back to look for his elder brother Breeze. Both the brothers still have not fully sorted out their relationship, which was never smooth after their father’s death. Breeze is an ex-army man having served in Afghanistan and has set up his repair shop now but has turned out to be an alcoholic. 

Will tells him that they need to get out of the area, as the storm is approaching fast, and it can get more dangerous than the one which killed their father. Breeze declines, and tries to return the tickets that Wills had sent him. But Will tells his brother Breeze that he needs to start his life afresh.

Attack on the treasury office

Clement and Xander, along with other men reach the security gates of the treasury facility, and after making security people unconscious, they force their entry into the premises. A heavy exchange of fire takes place between Clement’s men and the guards, but they manage to neutralize the guards and barge in. They are helped by the treasury officer Connor Perkins, who is actually with Clements’s team, and a mastermind of this operation.

The hurricane heist Ralph Ineson
Connor Perkins, the mastermind

The couple of technical people, Frears and Sasha, who are hired by Moreno, are also in fact members of the Connor Perkins gang. It is Frears and Sasha only, who were messing up with the shredder so that it gets dysfunctional. Their plan was to prevent treasury officials to get the currency notes disposed off, so that they can take them. They take Moreno a hostage, and try to open the steel gate through their hacked code, but come to know that the code is not working.

The hurricane heist Ralph Ineson with Christian Contreras with
Connor takes Moreno hostage

Perkins asks for the codes of the safe, but Moreno tells them that the codes are known to Casey only, and she is out to bring the repair person for the generator. Perkins sends his men to look for Casey, while all the other workers are taken as hostages.

Casey denied entry into the treasury by attackers

Casey visits the Rutledge brothers, Will and Breeze, and brings Breeze in her car to fix the generator, while it starts to rain heavily on the way. On reaching the gates, she is confronted by the gunmen who challenge her, but after a small exchange of gunfire, she manages to slip away with help of Breeze Rutledge.

The hurricane heist Maggie defending
Casey tries to retaliate against the attack

But Sasha is able to activate the security bollard, to which Breeze’s car is crashed while escaping and the car is stopped. Breeze is taken hostage, but Casey is able to run away. Clement and his men chase her, and they exchange gunfire.

Will Rutledge comes to the rescue of Casey

Here Will Rutledge, who is driving his armored car watches all this happening, reaches to Casey and helps her get inside his car, and drives away.

Will Rutledge watches the attack on Casey

Will, gets to know through Casey, that the treasury is under attack, and his brother Breeze is also with them. Will is assured that they are going to force Breeze to fix the generator. He insists that he will go to rescue his brother, but Casey tells him that these people are heavily armed, and it won’t be a good idea to go there. Casey also tells Will, that since they need Breeze to fix the generator, they won’t kill Breeze.

The hurricane heist Toby
Will rescues Casey in his armored vehicle

Here, Breeze is brought to the treasury Building by Perkins’s men, where Perkins tells him to set the generator right. Will tells Casey that they will not leave Breeze alive after their job is done. Both Casey and Will decide to rush to the office of sheriff Dixon, as the satellite link of will’s phone in the car is destroyed too. They reach the office of sheriff Dixon, who recognizes Will, but soon it is revealed that Dixon too, is involved in this treasury attack plan.

The hurricane heist sheriff office
Will and Casey visit the Sheriff’s office

Amidst heavy rains, the exchange of fire takes place

Dixon points a gun at Will and Casey, but they manage to overpower Dixon and run back to their armored car. While Dixon is after them with Xander, amidst heavy rains, Casey and Dixon continue to exchange fire. When Casey informs Will that she has run out of ammunition, Will makes his vehicle stand firm on the ground, which causes the Dixon’s car to crash with Will’s armored vehicle as a result of the collision. The impact of the collision makes Dixon’s car tumble away and makes Dixon and Xander motionless for some time as they get injured. Casey approaches their car and takes away Dixon’s gun and the ammunition.

Xander informs Perkins and clement on the phone that they are injured and Casey has managed to escape. While Perkins sends his men to rescue Dixon and Xander, Casey and Will Rutledge discuss while driving, that since these hackers were able to work despite no network, they may have access to some satellite link. Casey informs Will, that the attackers may be able to reach the codes of the safe through that special link, and if they themselves can reach that link before that, they may be able to stop these criminals.

While the storm and the rains gain more momentum, Casey and Will roam around the streets in their vehicle, to see which one of the three towers present there, is active. They come to know that, one of the towers is working, with the help of their activated radio in the car, which uses signals from the towers like these. It is evident to Will and Casey that these hackers were able to work from this tower only. Will and Casey decide that they are going to take the tower down, so that the plans of Perkins to steal money from the treasury, are thwarted.

Casey and Will decide to bring the tower down

The winds are blowing at 147 km per hour, and the loose objects are flying here and there. Amidst very strong winds and rains outside, Casey is about to go outside of the vehicle, to reach the tower. But Will stops her, and he himself tries to reach the top of the tower. He takes the one end of a cable with a hook with himself, and after climbing the building, reaches the top of the tower. However, as the strong winds prevent him to stay there, a big object comes flying and hits the tower with a strong impact, and Will just about manages to hang onto a wire with difficulty.

Dixon and Perkins, who are looking for them, notice them from the light of the will’s vehicle. Jaqi also reaches there along with another man, and shoots at Will’s car, while Casey is also firing back. Bullets hit Jaqi and kill her, while her truck bangs into a gas station, which results in an explosion. Will manages to put the hook in the tower, and he himself climbs down from the tower. Casey pulls the vehicle, so that it brings the tower down since it is tied with the cable.

The hurricane heist Rains and storm
Will and Casey bring the tower down

Here, Frears and Sashe are able to start downloading the digits of the code, which they needed to unlock the safe. The digits start appearing on their computer screen, while Dixon and Perkins along with other men are shooting at Casey and Will. Casey is able to bring the tower down and with a result, downloading of the codes stops, to everyone’s surprise, and frustration.

Casey and Will are able to flee from the spot. After repairing the generator, Breeze tries to break the security personnel free, but Frears turns the electrical current on, which runs through the gate and Breeze gets unconscious from the shock of the current.

Sheriff Dixon is shot dead by Perkins

Perkins comes back into the treasury building and informs Clement, that his brother Xander and his partner Jaqi are dead. Just then Sheriff Dixon reaches there along with his corrupt cops, and points the guns on Perkins and Clement, in order to take over the mission in his hands. But Perkins shoots Dixon dead and offers his men to join him in finding Casey so that they all can get the money, to which they all agree.

The hurricane heist Ralph in treasury
Connor Perkins shoots the Sheriff in the treasury

Here, Casey and Will enter a mall and stay there for protection. Will asks Casey to give the codes to these criminals, as it is not her money in any case. He tells Casey that she is not doing so because she wants to get her old job back. But Casey explains to will, that she can’t do it, as the moment she provides them the codes, they will kill the hostages. By not giving them the codes, she is able to save their lives, as they won’t kill hostages until they get the codes.

The deal between Casey and Perkins

Now Casey calls Perkins and tells him that she can provide him with the codes of the safe, but Perkins has to release two hostages, Moreno and the Mechanic Breeze. Casey then talks to Moreno and Will talks with his brother Breeze and gives him assurance that he will be ok. Casey lets Perkins know that they are in the Mall, resulting in Perkins sending his men to find them in the Mall.

Will tells Casey that he used to come to this mall for shopping in childhood, and while talking takes some items from the showrooms in the mall, which they want to use against the goons. Will gives a safety suit to Casey and asks her to wear it.

The bad cops turn up, along with the hostage Breeze. They ask Will about Casey but Will Rutledge takes his own time in replying and waits for the storm outside to gather full momentum. He tells Breeze to be ready while engaging in talks with cops, and when cops again warm him, Casey turns up.

Will instructs her to fire on the roof from the gun, and when she does the same the roof glass breaks, and pressure from outside sucks everything that lies inside. Will and Casey hold themselves onto a wire and Breeze too, manages to catch hold of something, while the other bad guys get sucked into the sky and vanish.

Casey and Will escape from the place

Casey and Will reach a place of safety in a greenhouse, and Will takes out some items to eat from his vehicle as both of them are hungry by now. Casey tells Will that they must attack the goons first, and for that they need to blow them up, using any fertilizer with some amount of ammonia along with a car. Although reluctant initially, due to the vehicle belonging to the federal bureau, Will agrees to it later.

He detonates the bomb inside the greenhouse, when the goons arrive, which unleashes a flash flood, causing the goons to get drowned in it. Casey and Will were alert already, so they manage to get out of it. Clement was also present there but he too survives. Perkins gets hold of him, and also manages to find Casey, and takes her hostage.

Casey held hostage by Perkins

Here Breeze, who has managed to survive the storm, comes in a boat and rescues Will, who had taken shelter on the top of his vehicle, which was intact too. Perkins takes Casey to the treasury building, where Casey is forced to provide the codes, as they threaten to kill Moreno if she does not comply.

The hurricne heist Ralph with Maggie
Perkins takes casey as a hostage

After getting the codes of the safe, they manage to enter the room where the money is kept, but Perkins shoots Moreno dead. He instructs his men to load all the money, and all the currency worth $600 million is stashed in three truck trolleys.

Here, Breeze takes Will to his place, where they arm themselves with guns, clothes and binoculars. The storm is approaching near, and they set out towards the treasury building. Both the brothers notice the three trucks of money and Casey being taken out by Perkins. Both move through the shortcut way, to confront them beforehand.

Both the brothers patch up and shake hands

On the way, Will says to his brother Breeze that he wants to apologize to him for the things he said to him in his childhood and blamed Breeze for their father’s death. Breeze says that he is also sorry, that he was not the kind of ideal elder brother, that he should have been. Both patch up and clean their hearts forever and shake hands.

The hurricane heist Ending
Will and Breeze chasing the trucks

They approach the three trucks and both cling to the last trailer, and Breeze manages to shoot Frears in the arm, who is driving the truck along with Sasha. Clement is present with Casey in another truck, which some other cop is driving.

Clement wants to shoot Casey, as he says that she killed his brother Xander, but she fights with him, and in the process, shoots the driver.

Casey shoots Clement dead in the truck

In the meantime, Will takes control of the truck and drives it to safety, which was about to get smashed by a big wall. Casey shoots Clement too in the process, who is thrown out of the truck. Will and Breeze take their trucks from two sides and cause Perkins to slow down his truck.

The hurricasne heist chasing the trucks
Will and Breeze trap Connor’s truck

Both Perkins and Casey shoot each other, but Perkins gets hit on the arm, while the storm is fast catching up to the trucks.  The trailer driven by Perkins gets opened, and all the money is released into the air. The trailer gets broken off, and first flies into the sky, and then comes down on Perkins’s truck, blowing it up completely.

Sarah and FrBreeze manage to shift to the truck which Will is driving along with Casey. After that, he tries to save Frears and Sasha, but the force of the storm pulls their truck up into the sky.

The hurricane heist
Frears and Sasha try to escape

Will drives fast and takes their truck away from the approaching storm, to reach to a safer point.

The hurricane heist storm in the end
The last storm and the money flies away

Casey jokes that they can take the remaining money, and drive towards Mexico, but adds that she was joking and all of them laugh and are happy to see the light and a better day.  

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