Introduction and the cast

The “Homefront” movie is an American action movie thriller that was released in 2013. It was directed by American director Gary Fleder, who is also a producer and a screenwriter.

The Homefront movie cast comprises characters like Jason Statham as Phil Broker, James Franco as Gator, Izabela Vidovic as Maddy Broker, Kate Bosworth as Cassie Bodine, Winona Ryder as Sheryl Marie Mott, Rachelle Lefevre as Susan Hatch, Frank Grillo as Cyrus Hanks and Clancy Brown as Sheriff Keith Rodrigue. The Homefront movie plot goes like this:

Phil Broker has a past

Homefront, the movie, begins with Phil Broker, a Drug Enforcement Association agent, making a planned entry into the manufacturing plant of methamphetamine, which is a banned recreational drug. Phil manages to convince the laboratory owner, Danny Turrie, that he will help to shift Danny’s drug into a plane arranged by him. The entire DEA team is following them and ultimately raids the factory. There is a gunfight, in which, Danny manages to run away in a car, along with his son JoJo.

Agent Phil Broker chases them on the bike and traps them by coming from the front side. Danny T, who is driving the car, tries to run Broker down, who is also coming towards Danny’s car, on his bike. Suddenly, Phil Broker jumps off the bike, and fires on Danny’s car, resulting in a blast in the car. Both father and son, are confronted by Phil Broker, and the cops too arrive on the spot. Danny’s son tries to take the shot, but Broker fires on his leg. Cops tell JoJo, to drop the gun. Even though he has dropped the gun, he tries to take another gun from his pocket, and the cops shoot him down.

Danny gets furious and warns Broker that he is responsible for his son’s death, and he shall pay the price. Broker too isn’t happy with the cops who shot at Danny’s son, since JoJo had already dropped his gun. After this incident, Broker leaves his job and shifts to another city, New Orleans in Louisiana. He is accompanied by his little daughter Maddy, whose mother passed away one year back. Maddy’s mother has also grown up in the same city.

Broker starts life afresh

Broker tries to start life afresh, and gets Maddy admitted to a new school in this new city. Phil Broker has a friend Teedo, who helps him in setting up a contracting business, in the same city. One day, Maddy has a confrontation with her schoolmate Teddy, who always picks up fights in school. Maddy gets pissed off, punches him back and injures him. Parents of both children are called to the school, to clear the matter.

Teddy’s mother, Cassie, tries to create a scene and instigates her husband, Jimmy Clum, to teach Broker a lesson. Jimmy tries to mess with Broker but gets punched badly. The sheriff, Keith pacifies both sides and puts the situation under control. The sheriff tries to find out, what Broker does, and what keeps him busy in the town, a new place for Broker. Broker deflects the question and assures, that nothing untoward shall happen from now on.

However, Cassie is very loud, as she scolds and warns Broker, for punching her husband. She also gives a mouthful to her husband, for getting beaten up by Broker so badly. She decides that she will call her brother, Morgan Gator, and tell him about all this. Morgan Gator has a boat repairs factory but is actually involved in the illegal trade of drugs.

Trouble starts for Broker

Cassie urges her brother, Morgan Gator to take revenge on Broker, for insulting them and beating her husband. She tells him, that she has overheard from the Sheriff, that Broker lives in the Old Griffith area in the town. Although Morgan Gator, her brother, tries to pacify her, she says that he needs to scare Broker, with his usual ways of dealing with people. Cassie is into drugs, and her brother Morgan provides her with the same. He tells Cassie that she needs to control the intake of drugs, but provides one to her, also ensuring her that he will handle Broker in his own way.

Here, Maddy’s teacher, Susan is now familiar with Broker, after the school incident. She tells Broker that she likes to plan birthday parties for kids, and would be happy to arrange one for Maddy too. Susan also tells him to be cautious, as he is new in the town and there are people, who are ready to pick fights on the slightest pretext. So, she advises Broker to clear the air, between the two families before it gets too far.

Broker goes to Cassie’s husband Jimmy Clum, and renders an apology to him for whatever happened. Jimmy tells him that he needs to apologize to his entire family, for whatever he did to him, to which Broker agrees. Jimmy also agrees, that everything is cleared between them, and no bad blood exists now.

Morgan Gator’s men have a confrontation with Broker, at the gas station. They want the gas for their car to be filled up first, but Broker doesn’t get bogged down and resists them. They have a violent fight at the gas station, but Broker beats them up all, in the process. While Broker is with his daughter in the car, the sheriff stops him and asks him to throw light on the incident at the gas station. Morgan tells him that since there is no case filed by anyone, therefore no need to clarify anything. Sheriff again asks him about his credentials, but Broker again tries to avoid the answer. However, the sheriff tells him that he has his eyes on him now.

Broker is being watched

Here, Cassie’s brother, Gator tries to break into the home of Phil Broker, when no one is at the home. He searches the entire house to get information about Broker and his past. Some files, containing information about Broker’s animosity with Danny T, find their way into the hands of Gator. Gator, who is already looking for an opportunity to harm Broker, is elated by this fact. He takes the files with him, to read them in detail, and takes away Maddy’s pet cat, Luther too. After going through the files, Gator gets to know everything about Broker’s past.

Here, Broker is looking for Maddy’s cat, after she tells him that she is missing from the house. Gator has a girlfriend Sheryl, with whom he shares the details about Broker. Both of them knew Danny Turrie’s son JoJo in the past and discussed that recently he got killed by the cops.

Gator tells Sheryl, that Danny T still is very angry with the person, who was an informer of the police. The police acted on his information and killed Danny’s son, but Danny doesn’t know his whereabouts. Gator tells Sheryl that he plans to give Danny information about Broker, and in return will ask for his help in distributing his drugs throughout the state. He tells Sheryl to negotiate with Danny’s men about this.

Broker tries to mend relations with neighbours

Here Broker and Maddy, invite Cassie and his son to Maddy’s birthday party, to which she agrees. At Broker’s workplace, his friend Teedo informs Broker that he needs to be cautious with these people as cassie’s brother is not a genuine guy. He tells him that he has a boat repairing business but in reality, runs an illegal drug manufacturing lab. Teedo also tells Broker that the sheriff knows about all this, and both work in tandem with each other.

Maddy has a wonderful time at her birthday party attended by Cassie and his son Teddy along with Susan and other schoolmates. Gator’s girlfriend, Sheryl is waiting at a bar to negotiate for Gator with Danny’s henchman Cyrus Hanks, who is a criminal and a murderer. He gets the information about Broker from Sheryl, but he even behaves badly with her too.

Here Gator visits Cassie’s home and tells her that Broker is soon going to be into a mess, and she should not visit them anymore. She asks for drugs, but Gator refuses. Cassie’s husband knows that Gator facilitates drugs to Cassie, and so urges Gator to not do it. However, Gator is also helping them in the business.

Broker’s senior executive at the DEA, calls Broker and tells him that he has been keeping a watch on Gator Bodine, as asked by Broker. His girlfriend Sheryl has been an ex-biker gang member and has been a drug smuggler. He further reveals to Broker, that Sheryl also has been in touch with Danny T, whose son got killed in the police raid, and who is in jail nowadays. The senior executive informs Broker that Danny’s henchman who is a criminal-minded person has been doing rounds nearby. Broker asks his senior to send the picture or Sheryl, to which his senior replies that he will get it soon in his email.

Broker swings into some action

Broker visits Gator in the restaurant, but Gator tries to ridicule him. Broker tells him that someone has crashed into his home, stole a toy and a cat and further damaged his car’s tyre. Broker warns Gator indirectly, that he should not repeat the mistake again. Teedo, Broker’s friend, who is also having meals there, is watching from a distance and smiles. While going out, Broker gets an email from his senior, in which his boss sends Sheryl’s picture. Here he comes to know, that it is the same girl who was with Gator in the restaurant.

He gets to find Gator’s secret laboratory, where Gator manufactures drugs. Maddy’s cat is also been kept there, which Broker takes with him. He sets his laboratory for a booby trap, which can trigger an explosion on setting the lights on by anyone.

But Broker is confronted by Gator’s men, with whom he had a fight earlier at the gas station. They catch and torture him, and try to enquire who takes care of her daughter at home. But Broker just beats them up and leaves the place along with Maddy’s cat. Now, after sensing danger to his daughter, he again wants to shift from the place to which Maddy is very resistant, and wonders why is wants to leave the place. Maddy can’t figure it out and reminds his father that her mother wanted them to live there only.

Here, the criminal Cyrus Hanks arrives with his gang and Sheryl, to meet Gator and asks him the way to Broker’s place. Gator tells him that since he is known by everybody there, he won’t go there to accompany him and that Cyrus needs to finish Broker, along with his daughter without Gator being around. Cyrus takes Sheryl with him, and his henchmen in a boat for showing the way to Broker.

Trouble deepens for Broker

Broker’s friend Teedo, takes Broker’s horses to his place in order to help Broker. When Cyrus and his henchmen reach near Broker’s place and are looking for him, they hear the voices of the horses. Cyrus sends one of his men there, where he has a fight with Teedo, but Teedo is able to kill him. While Broker is in the process of leaving his home and packing his belongings with Maddy, Teedo tries to alert Broker but is hit by a bullet by Cyrus in front of Broker’s house.

Sensing danger on hearing the gunshot, Broker tells Maddy to hide in the basement and call the police to inform them about their home being raided by the goons. Cyrus reaches there and fires indiscriminately at the house. Broker is able to finish them one by one. When one of the henchmen gets a hint of Maddy, he tries to run after her. Broker too runs after that man and kills him. Suddenly Cyrus appears and hits Broker, who tells Maddy to run while he engages with Cyrus.

After a hand-to-hand fight with Cyrus, Broker kills him with his own Knife. Here Maddy runs into Sheryl at a distance, who tells Maddy that she needs to run away from there. Maddy doesn’t want to leave, but Sheryl takes her forcibly with her on the boat. Police arrive at the place of attack, where Broker tells Sheriff that six armed men, barged into his house and tried to kill them and also have taken his daughter with them. Teedo arrives in the car but in bad condition. Broker asks the police for medical help for Teedo. Maddy calls her father Broker from the phone given by Broker to her. She provides him input about the area where they took her. Broker gets the idea that Sheryl has taken her to Gator’s meth Laboratory which he visited recently. He rushes to the spot.

Here, Gator meets Sheryl at the lab but is furious that Sheryl has brought Broker’s daughter to their place as that can turn dangerous for them. Just when Gator is about to kill Maddy, his sister, Cassie arrives at the spot and enquires with Gator about the shootout at Broker’s house. Cassie hears screams from Maddy and gets to know that Gator has kidnapped her. She is angry with Gator and tries to switch on the lights, to see clearly what is going on. This triggers the blasts since Broker had already set it with the help of some chemicals. The lab gets damaged, which infuriates Gator who in turn has a heated argument with Cassie. He wants the little girl to stay there but Cassie wants to take her away with her. This results in a scuffle and Cassie gets shot accidentally by Gator’s gun.

Broker has the last laugh

Gator takes Maddy with him and escapes in a car. Phil Broker arrives there and sees Gator escape. The blasts continue to take place in the laboratory. Phil runs after Gator and in the car chase, Broker crashes his car on the bridge. Seeing an opportunity, gator takes aim at Broker to shoot him. Maddy tries to stop Gator by screaming at him and alerting his father. Gator warns Maddy to get into the car and is about to shoot Broker.

Meanwhile, Sheriff too takes aim at Gator from the far end of the bridge. All this distracts Gator for a while and in the meantime, Broker gathers his composure and hits Gator hard in a fist fight and Gator gets badly injured in the process. Phil takes a gun and points at Gator’s head but doesn’t kill Gator since his daughter is watching and he doesn’t want to kill someone in front of his daughter. He tells an injured Gator that he is spared his life due to Maddy, his daughter.

The police douse the fire at the laboratory and arrange an ambulance for Cassie. Sheryl is taken away by the police. Phil Broker hugs Maddy and she too is happy that her father spared Gator’s life. Phil tells Maddy ‘Let’s go home’, and kisses her. Danny Turrie gets a visitor in the jail. When he reaches the meeting spot in the visitor’s area, he is surprised to find Phil Broker outside, who talks to him on the telephone and tells him that he would be waiting outside for him and the movie ends there. This was about the homefront full movie plot.

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